Toronto, Ontario, Canada   416.788.1320

About Diane

DianeHeadshot.Grief_Diane McQuaig is passionate about helping others. After becoming a widow, experiencing her own difficult journey and witnessing the grief of her 4 daughters, she felt compelled to become a Grief Recovery Specialist. A past oncology registered nurse, Diane has spent her professional career as an accomplished keynote speaker, trainer and coach. Her many philanthropic endeavours include founding Camp Cucumber, a registered charity devoted to supporting single Mom families on social assistance, founding the Don McQuaig Foundation, a charity committed to increasing awareness and screening for colon cancer, volunteering at Kensington Hospice and authoring a new children’s book entitled “Dougie The Hospice Dog“.

For her tireless work in the community Diane became a recipient of the Flare Award for Leadership and Community in 2009. The Flare Volunteer Awards program celebrates and publicizes the importance of volunteerism in Canada. The prestigious Awards are presented each year to outstanding Canadian female volunteers whose achievements have made a difference in the lives of others.

Diane’s fervent wish is to help her clients complete their relationship with pain, isolation, and loneliness caused by significant emotional loss. The Grief Recovery Method offers a systematic process for helping to heal broken hearts.